Invite harmony into your life - book your Acupressure Session today

A cross-cultural blend of ancient, non-invasive healing energy techniques that consist of placing the hands on the body at different locations and gently pressing, kneading, or rocking allowing for the flow of Source energy to be transmitted to the patient. This energetic transmission encourages

  • Deep relaxation
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Speeds healing and recovery

By sensing blocked or deficient areas, this service helps rebalance your vital energy circulation. During your session, messages, memories, images, and visions may come through that reveal the nature of the energetic imbalance and provide insight into chronic issues or challenges one may be facing. If appropriate, breathwork, essential oils or other shamnic techniques may be used to enhance and ground your treatment. In turn, your experience and feedback are encouraged. This allows for a more cohesive integration of what happened and helps you continue processing after your session. 

Sessions are 60 minutes and done in person at Dragon Springs Wellness.


Dragon Springs Wellness, Inc.

222 Rt 299 , Ste 12
Highland, NY


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